The Library
The Library of the Faculty started as a branch of the main library of Aristotle University in 1984, immediately after the School’s establishment. It is located on the second floor of the Tower building.
Its collection consists of 30.000 volumes and 83 periodicals, 16 Greek and 67 foreign.
It is open all days of the week from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm.
The use of the Library facilities is free for all members of the academic community (faculty members, teaching and technical staff, students, traineeships) during lending hours and they can all have access to the Electronic Resources of A.U.TH Library System through http://web.lib.auth,gr .
According to the Regulation of AUTH Library System, undergraduate students are allowed to borrow up to 4 books for a period of 15 days, while facul- ty members, graduates and traineeships are allowed to bor- row up to 15 books for a period of 30 days.
Periodicals, reference material and textbooks taught in the School cannot be borrowed. In case a book has not been requested, there is a renewal option of borrowing. For each book that has not been returned on time there is a fine of 0,30 euro per day. Students who have not paid their fine cannot borrow books from any library of the System.
Central Library of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Library Staff:
Bougatzeli Evaggelia
2310 991165
Lazaridis Kostas
2310 995047
Nouni Adriana
2310 991242
Papazoglou Aggeliki
2310 991210 fax: 2310 991210