Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Faculty of Education
 School of Primary Education

Marvakis Athanasios

Associate professor

Clinical Social Psychology


Psychologist (Dipl.-Psych., Dr. rer. soc., University of Tübingen/Germany). Since 1990 research and teaching experience in Germany, Greece, Latvia, Denmark, South Africa, Austria, Brazil, Chile.
Since 2007 Associate Professor in Clinical Social Psychology at the School of Primary Education of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/Greece.
His interests revolve around psychology and its relations with the various forms of social inequalities and social exclusion (e.g., racism, nationalism, ethnicism, multiculturalism), including youth as a social group (political orientations, youth and racism in Europe) and migrants in Greece.
The last years he has started to be engaged in the critical psychology of learning and the ‘schooling-complex’.