Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Faculty of Education
 School of Primary Education

Seroglou Fanny

Assistant Professor

Teaching Science Concepts


Fanny Seroglou has a degree in physics from the School of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, a PhD in science education concerning the contribution of history of science to instructional material design and a post-doc on teacher training in science literacy.
Her research interests focus on the contribution of history and philosophy of science in science education (awarded the Volta Medal from the IHPST group in 1999), science literacy (scholarship from the Greek Scholarships Foundation in 2002), science for citizenship (also published a book in greek in 2006), narratives for NOS teaching, website, web-based learning environment and instructional e-material design ( /pendulum,
Since 2003 she has founded and is the head of the ATLAS research group (ATLAS is the acronym of A Teaching and Learning Approach for Science) and with her colleagues (nowadays the ATLAS group consists of more than 30 researchers and educators) they have participated in a series of international research projects concerning the use of history and philosophy of science in science education such as The MAP prOject, STeT, IPP, HIPST, as well as contributed to the design of the following websites:,,,,
Fanny Seroglou has been Guest Editor, Reviewer and/or Member of the Editorial Committee for journals such as “Science & Education”, "THEMES in Education" and “Research and Practice in Science Education” (the journal of the greek science education research association-EDIFE).