Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Faculty of Education
 School of Primary Education

The ERASMUS Programme

The Erasmus Programme offers the possibility to undergraduate and postgraduate students to fulfill part of their studies in countries of the European Union and promotes bilateral agreements between the Aristotle University and other institutions within the framework of European educational programmes.

One hundred and two (102) students from the School of Primary Education used the Erasmus Programme during the period 2006-2011, while for the same period our School accepted nineteen (19) students from countries of the European Union like Poland, Cyprus, Estonia, Turkey, and Sweden. Students from our School attended classes at Universities of Finland, Sweden, France, Germany, Spain, and Portugal.

Detailed information about the involved Universities can be found at the site of the Erasmus office of our university.

Contact information

Tel.: +30 2310 995291 & +30 2310 995293

Fax: +30 2310 995292


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