Drenoyianni Helen
Assistant Professor
Pedagogy, with an emphasis on computers and multimedia in education
She has graduated from the National and Capodistrian University of Athens, School of Education and has an MEd (Computers in Education) and a PhD (Interactive Multimedia) from the University of Birmingham, School of Education, UK.
Her main research interests are targeted on digital literacy and its relationship to multi-literacies; the role of ICT in school curricula with an emphasis on integrated, trans-disciplinary and democratic curriculum practices, as well as the investigation of issues of social exclusion and ICT through the lenses of critical pedagogy theory.
She has participated in various research and professional development projects concerned with digital literacy and in-service teacher training in the pedagogical use of ICT. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the journals “Education and Information Technologies” and “Themes in Science and Technology Education”.