Submitting an Abstract:
The deadline to submit your abstract is February 28th 2014. Abstracts submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

Your abstract submission should include the following:


A. Contact Information*
First Name:
Last Name:
Institutional Affiliation:
Position Title:
Address line1:
Address line 2:
Work Phone:

B. Abstract

Proposal Title:

Abstract: Provide a complete and concise description of your proposed session that includes key points of your research/theoretical viewpoint. Your abstract should be limited to 400 words for a single paper, excluding references.
Please email your abstract no later that 28/2/2014 to Aliki Laspidou at




Once your proposal is submitted, no revisions or changes can be made. Please review your proposal carefully before submitting online. Authors will be notified about acceptance of their paper by March 17th 2014. Full texts of the accepted papers which are due after the conference will be published in the Conference’s proceedings.



Papers submitted for publication should be between 5,000 and 10,000 words long. Papers should be sent as Word email attachments. Papers would be submitted in accordance with the Harvard Referencing Style.


Style Guidelines:

Contributions should be in Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing. The text should be left justified, rather than justified to the right and to the left. Contributors should see the formatting of Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies 6(1) to see examples of presentational style, formatting, line spacing, left justification of text. Authors are to use endnotes (Harvard System) and not footnotes.
Quotations of 40 words or more should be indented and presented in font size 11. With indented quotes of 40 words or more, there is no need to use quotation marks/ speech marks. Quotes should be 1.15 line spacing.
Each article should have an abstract. Abstracts should be indented and italicised. Each article should have a selection of Key Words, placed after the Abstract. Each article should also have, placed at the end of the article text/ article and endnotes, some Author Details and some Correspondence Details. The Author details could be a paragraph.



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