Conference Dates: 23-26 June 2014


Venue: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Education, School of Primary Education

(housed in the Tower of Pedagogy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Campus)


Important Dates:

The Organizing Committee of the Conference, decided to extend the deadline of Abstract submission and Announcement of accepted papers.


The new deadlines, respectively, are:

17 March 2014: Deadline for abstract submission

31 March 2014: Announcement of accepted papers

15 April 2014: Payment of conference fee


Languages of the Conference: Greek and English

During the opening ceremony and on common sessions, there will be simultaneous translation. Throughout the conference there will be English speaking staff on hand, as well as translating.



100 Euros for each participant from North America and Western Europe

50 Euros for each participant from all other countries


Supporting Journals


Conference Poster


Other Information


Travel and Accommodation:



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